Sunday, May 19, 2013

ITIL 2011, an Update, Not a New Version

ITIL is a best practise and as such is in line with constant reviews and updates in response to changing environments. The last major version of ITIL release was ITIL V3 which was released in the year 2007. Since then there have been various suggestion and reviews to remove ambiguities and provide greater focus and clarity. With this in mind, an ITIL update was released in July 2011. In the words of the the updates were designed to:
  • Resolve any errors or inconsistencies in the text and diagrams, both in content and presentation.
  • Improve the publications by addressing issues raised in the Change Control Log, as analysed and recommended by the change advisory board (CAB) and approved by the Cabinet Office, part of HM Government. These are largely to do with clarity, consistency, correctness and completeness.
  • Address suggestions for change made by the training community to make ITIL easier to teach.
  • Review the Service Strategy publication to ensure that the concepts are explained in the clearest, most concise and accessible way possible. There is no notion of simplifying the concepts; rather, improving the exposition of the ideas.
The important points to be considered are:

  • ITIL 2011 an “Update” not a new Version
  • OGC is now part of “Cabinet Office”, with all copyright now under the “Cabinet Office”
  • Primary Changes in Service Strategy with the introduction of 3 Processes
  • Design Co-ordination process added in Service Design
  • CSI register Concept introduced in CSI

In terms of Processes, the changes are as follows:

  1. Service Strategy: Three new processes added, viz Demand Management, Business Relationship Management, Strategy Management for IT services
  2. Service Design: one new process added, viz Design Coordination
  3. Service Transition: Evaluation process renamed as "Change Evaluation".